CONNECT: COVID-19 E-bulletin

Welcome to Connect:COVID-19. This weekly digest will connect you with quality resources and fact-checked information designed to combat misinformation in the COVID-19 crisis.

This bulletin is designed to support busy newsrooms, fact-checking organisations, and non-profits across South East Asia and beyond. We link you with the tools you need to provide your communities with accurate, timely and actionable information.

Subscribe to CONNECT: COVID-19, please click here

This bulletin is produced by a group of organisations funded by the H2H Network that work to improve access to quality information in a crisis.

You can find out more about our organisations here:  Internews, Translators without Borders, BBC Media Action and Evidence Aid. With valuable support from other H2H Network members, including Standby Task Force and Anthrologica.


Most recent edition: Edition 15, June 24, 2020

Edition 14: 17 June 2020

Edition 13: 10 June 2020
Edition 12: 03 June 2020
Edition 11: 27 May 2020
Edition 10: 20 May 2020
Edition 9: 13 May 2020
Edition 8: 06 May 2020
Edition 7: 29 April 2020
Edition 6: 22 April 2020
Edition 5: 15 April 2020
Edition 4: 08 April 2020
Edition 3: 31 March 2020
Edition 2: 25 March 2020
Edition 1: 19 March 2020

If you have any questions, requests for resources, feedback or would like to let us know when our tools have been useful, you can email us at any time at .