Thank you for visiting this page and for your support for Internews’ COVID-19 programming. This project came to a close on June 30, 2020. The website will remain for the time being to allow for easy access to our COVID-19 resources, however in the future this page will be closed. You can find these resources,Continue reading “Project close – thank you!”
Author Archives: internewscovid19response
Social Media Rumour Bulletin #6
Internews is working with Translators without Borders, Standby Task Force, BBC Media Action and Vishvas News to collect and analyse rumours and misinformation related to the SARS-CoV-2 virus and COVID-19 disease. Since March 2020, we have collected more than 4,700 rumours found on social media platforms in nine languages. This final edition of the bulletin bringsContinue reading “Social Media Rumour Bulletin #6”
Guidance: Reporting on and with vulnerable populations: LGBTQ+ People
Download PDF versions: We know that COVID-19 does not discriminate. However, existing vulnerabilities may put some people at an increased risk of catching the virus, serious illness or suffering the impact of the social and economic implications of the pandemic. As journalists, it’s important to ensure our reporting is truly reflective of the communities inContinue reading “Guidance: Reporting on and with vulnerable populations: LGBTQ+ People”
#infohygiene in times of pandemics
Download our #infohygiene poster for your newsroom See more #infohygiene tips from journalists on our Facebook and Twitter! The world is dealing with a new and challenging crisis with fast-evolving science, combined with a staggering flow of information, the first global “infodemic”. And while we are forced to keep a distance from our fellow humanContinue reading “#infohygiene in times of pandemics”
Engaging local media as partners during COVID-19
In an information climate as complex as that surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic, local information plays a vital role in determining how communities respond to public health orders and guidance. Alongside the current restrictions we are all subject to, the need for information – especially among vulnerable and marginalized groups – is greater than ever before. Currently,Continue reading “Engaging local media as partners during COVID-19”
Guidance: Reporting on ‘the second wave’
As some countries begin to ease lockdowns, many communities may be feeling anxious about the possibility of a new wave of infections. Until the development of a vaccine or medicine, the SARS-CoV-2 virus that causes COVID-19 is likely to continue circulating in our communities. Governments and health officials around the world are working to strikeContinue reading “Guidance: Reporting on ‘the second wave’”
Resources: Migrants and COVID-19
The coronavirus pandemic is having an unprecedented and devastating impact on migrant groups worldwide. Travel restrictions and border closures have left thousands of migrants stranded. The conditions in which they migrate, live or work can compound health risks, including access to health services. Migrants, including displaced persons, often fall outside of social safety nets, lackContinue reading “Resources: Migrants and COVID-19”
Special Edition: Social Media Rumour Bulletin #5
Internews is working with Translators without Borders, BBC Media Action Standby Task Force to collect and analyse rumours and misinformation related to the SARS-CoV-2 virus and COVID-19 disease. In the last three months, we have analysed more than 3,000 rumours in nine languages and produced four Social Media Rumour Bulletins (You can see all the past editions here).Continue reading “Special Edition: Social Media Rumour Bulletin #5”
Guidance: How to prepare your media audience for a safe return to work
As lockdowns in some countries start to ease and workplaces reopen, it is only natural that employees might be anxious about a return to work. Until the development of a vaccine or medicine, the virus is likely to continue circulating in our communities. Because of this, maintaining economic activity and employment – to secure livelihoodsContinue reading “Guidance: How to prepare your media audience for a safe return to work”
Guidance: How to prevent stigma and discrimination of migrant workers
See below for Bahasa Indonesia, Tagalog The COVID-19 pandemic has provided an opportunity for some right-wing and radical groups to exploit existing prejudice in our communities. In some contexts, especially in South Asia, social media platforms are being used to inflame stigma and discrimination towards migrant workers. Migrant workers are already among those most impactedContinue reading “Guidance: How to prevent stigma and discrimination of migrant workers”
Social Media Rumour Bulletin #4
Highlights: Uncertainty: Rumours that it’s all a hoax Pandemic Prejudice: Social Media driving anti-Chinese sentiment Close connections during COVID-19: Rumours about sexual transmission and cures Speedy Science: fuelling drug rumours See below for Thai, Bahasa Indonesia, Hindi, Vietnamese and Simplified Chinese versions. Internews is working with Translators without Borders and Standby Task Force to collect and analyse rumours andContinue reading “Social Media Rumour Bulletin #4”
Rumour: Favipiravir/Avigan and how to report on new ‘miracle’ drugs
One drug drawing the attention of both the medical and social media world is favipiravir, sold under the brand name Avigan. An Indian pharmaceutical company has recently developed and commercialised a generic version of favipiravir to be marketed under the brand name Faviton. Favipiravir is an antiviral medication used to treat influenza (predominantly in Japan)Continue reading “Rumour: Favipiravir/Avigan and how to report on new ‘miracle’ drugs”
Rumour: Can COVID-19 be sexually transmitted?
See below for Thai, Bahasa Indonesia, Bangla, Hindi and Vietnamese versions. We have recently seen questions circulating on social media about whether COVID-19 can be transmitted through sexual contact. This explainer document is designed to help you understand the current research and answer this question for your audience. As approaches to sexual contact are inherentlyContinue reading “Rumour: Can COVID-19 be sexually transmitted?”
Guidance: Tools for Data Visualisation
See below for Hindi, Vietnamese, Bangla, Thai and Bahasa Indonesia versions. Data Visualisation has been a key feature of the COVID-19 pandemic. As we all work together to ‘flatten the curve’, charts, graphs and maps are a key feature of our television screens and social media feeds. With more information at our fingertips than everContinue reading “Guidance: Tools for Data Visualisation”
Guidance: Self-care for journalists during COVID-19
Journalists are just one of the many essential service providers crucial to the fight against COVID-19. And being at the frontline means that they need to ensure their own well-being first in order to be effective in their job to inform the public during these uncertain times. Journalists are exposed to several levels of stressContinue reading “Guidance: Self-care for journalists during COVID-19”
Guidance: Using situation reports (sitreps) as story inspiration
UN agencies and Non Government Organizations (NGOs) use situation reports, or sitreps as they are commonly known, to disseminate information to and from the field in a crisis. The World Health Organization puts out very regular sitreps on COVID-19 and these updates provide the latest information on the pandemic and the response to it. TheyContinue reading “Guidance: Using situation reports (sitreps) as story inspiration”
Social Media Rumour Bulletin #3
Highlights: Vaccines: hope fuels rumours Reinfection Returns: rumours about reinfection continue to appear Changing times: Rumours about strains and mutations of the virus Internews is working with Translators without Borders, Standby Task Force and BBC Media Action to collect and analyse rumours and misinformation related to the SARS-CoV-2 virus and COVID-19 disease. Data is beingContinue reading “Social Media Rumour Bulletin #3”
Guidance: How to report accurately on COVID-19 vaccines
(See below for Hindi, Bahasa Indonesia, Bangla, Vietnamese and Thai translation) Scientists around the world are racing to find a vaccine for the new coronavirus that at the time of writing (9th May, 2020) has killed more than a quarter of a million people globally and the number keeps growing. The creation of a safe,Continue reading “Guidance: How to report accurately on COVID-19 vaccines”
Guidance: How media can support their audience during Ramadan
Ramadan is a period of prayer, fasting, charity, and self-reflection for Muslims. All adult Muslims in good health are expected to fast from dawn to dusk for 29 or 30 days as part of a self-cleansing ritual. In the interest of public service journalism, journalists can help facilitate togetherness among communities, at a time whenContinue reading “Guidance: How media can support their audience during Ramadan”
Social Media Rumour Bulletin #2
Highlights: Droplets and aerosols: Rumours related to airborne transmission Facts and facemasks: April saw an increase in rumours related to facemasks The search for a cure: Rumours about the use of hydroxychloroquine Analyst Extra: Want to know what we use to analyze data? Check out this blog post from our Data Analyst Camille Fasset InternewsContinue reading “Social Media Rumour Bulletin #2”
Analyst Extra: Using word frequencies to guide social media rumour analysis
by Camille Fassett – Internews Data Analyst When analyzing social media rumours about coronavirus, I often find it illuminating to break down text into the words that appear the most frequently. Doing so — particularly among sub-categories, like language groups, or social media platforms, or type of rumour — can be a valuable way toContinue reading “Analyst Extra: Using word frequencies to guide social media rumour analysis”
Rumour: Is SARS-CoV-2 airborne?
** Update: As f 9 July 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) has updated its guidance on the role of aerosols in the transmission of COVID-19. The move came after 200 scientists published an open letter to the WHO on July 6 warning about airborne transmission of COVID-19 via aerosols and urging the organisation toContinue reading “Rumour: Is SARS-CoV-2 airborne?”
Rumour: Unproven treatments – Chloroquine and Hydroxychloroquine
The drugs chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine have been talked about a lot lately. World leaders have promoted them, scientists have begun studying the drugs and its effects on COVID-19 and social media around the world is filled with claims, fear, and panic buying. Media have also been at the heart of the dangerous promotion of thisContinue reading “Rumour: Unproven treatments – Chloroquine and Hydroxychloroquine”
Tools for news reporting during social distancing
With many workplaces in semi or total lockdown in response to COVID-19, many journalists are adjusting to the new reality of working from home. This affects the way we report on our communities, the type of observations we can include in our stories and shifts our focus online. But how do we ensure that ourContinue reading “Tools for news reporting during social distancing”
New! Social Media Rumour Bulletin
Internews is working with Translators without Borders and Standby Task Force to collect and analyse rumours and misinformation related to the SARS-CoV-2 virus and COVID-19 disease. Data is being collected in six languages across Asia including: Simplified Chinese, Tagalog, Vietnamese, Thai, Bahasa Indonesia and Urdu. We will also begin monitoring of rumours shared in KhmerContinue reading “New! Social Media Rumour Bulletin”
Rumour: Are patients immune after recovering from COVID-19?
There have been media reports from China, South Korea, Japan, India, Thailand and Cambodia of people testing positive for the SARS-CoV-2 virus after recovering from COVID-19. We have seen this question emerge in our Social Media monitoring in Thailand, on Twitter and YouTube, and your audience may be asking the same question. The answer hasContinue reading “Rumour: Are patients immune after recovering from COVID-19?”
Are we creating an infodemic of our own?
The World Health Organization has referred to the ‘infodemic’; an avalanche of information about COVID-19 that can make it difficult for consumers to sort fact from fiction. In response, media organisations around the world have responded with helpful guides. Dos and Don’ts of reporting in these difficult times. We will point you towards the bestContinue reading “Are we creating an infodemic of our own?”
Your safety as a journalist reporting COVID-19
(Vietnamese, Bangla, Thai and Hindi versions available below) “First do no harm” is a basic principle in medicine, and of course in journalism too. For a journalist covering COVID-19, it should read: First do no harm – to yourself. Also, do no harm to others. In war, conflict and disaster coverage, journalists – the eyes andContinue reading “Your safety as a journalist reporting COVID-19”
Guidance: reporting on clinical trials
Credible and informative reporting that keeps pace with the latest developments of the COVID-19 pandemic is desperately needed. Reporting on complex clinical trials can be daunting for reporters and, if not done well, can contribute to fear and panic in the community. We have already seen the dangerous consequences of early reporting on the useContinue reading “Guidance: reporting on clinical trials”